Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bright Space -- Ultimatum

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Bright Space
by Dane Allred


We were given a challenge.
We thought we knew all there was to know.
We were content in the Bright Space.
But then we discovered there was more to know.

The only way to know all there was to know was to come here.
Alone and apart from all we knew there.

We would have to leave each other
And the comfort we knew in the Bright Space.

Apart we would be able to experience what we could not experience together.
We were given an ultimatum.

Stay together, peaceful, content, happy in our ignorance,
Or leave that place for the unknown.

To stay or leave.

When given a choice to try something new, to go to the unknown
Not knowing what we would face, if there would be happiness
Waiting for us, or disappointment.

Without assurances, without a guarantee,
We went bravely into our future
Hoping to find out what we could do,
What we could learn.

When we face those same kinds of decisions today,
We experience the doubt we felt back then.
The fear of the unknown sometimes keeps us in the safe place.
The place we know
The place we have always known.

That fear keeps us waiting, undecisive, unable to explore
What could be
What might be
What we might find in our future.

But as we bravely face our future,
Much like we faced the decision to come here
And do all we were meant to do
To accomplish all we were meant to accomplish
We can look to our past decisions to help us know
What to do tomorrow.

When we step one step into that future,
We will find those same friends we knew there.

We will feel the connection, and together, we will be able to
Learn all there is to know,
And be together again.

But this time we will have learned all there is to know
Because we accepted the challenge.

The peace, happiness and joy we knew there will be ours again.

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