Monday, January 31, 2011


Go to Abundance for more selections by Dane Allred, including other episodes from Bright Space, plus lots more!!

Click on the player to hear an audio version of this piece.

by Dane Allred

There is that moment of uncertainty
When we recognize each other from the Bright Space
That instant when our past connections
Are renewed.

But then this world interrupts that celebration
And the reality of the here and now makes us dismiss
The certainty we felt just moments before
That we knew each other so long ago in that Bright Space.

We are all here to learn what we can on our own
To learn those things we could not learn together there.
To return and share our joy, our sadness,
Our success and failure.
To share our pain, our sadness and the disappointments
Each of us had to face.

Those experiences only we can experience
To accomplish those tasks only we can accomplish.

There is that moment of suspense where the unknown is known
And we get the glimpse of all we can be,
And all that other person can be,
And all our world could be.

The moment when we hold our breath and hope for that better time
That future time we are here to create.

Suspended in that moment of suspense,
We feel the timelessness of right now extending into eternity.
In that moment of eternity stretching into our world,
And then we return to this life.

Different from the time we knew together in the Bright Space,
Where we were at peace, knowing all there was to know
And content in that knowledge.

But then we realized we could know more
If we left the Bright Space, to find our own truths.

Now we wander in what we think is our own little world,
Unaware of the time we spent together before.
Wandering in a world where we have forgotten.
Wondering what the strange familiarity is, but dismissing it
And we continue to think we are here alone and separate.
But it is our world together.

Pay close attention the next time you feel that connection.
It is the Bright Space reminding you we will all be together again.

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