Monday, February 7, 2011

Tension -- Bright Space

Go to Abundance for more selections by Dane Allred, including other episodes from Bright Space, plus lots more!!

by Dane Allred

What is that tension between you and I?

The separateness we feel
Knowing we are alone in this world
And though you seem to be someone else who is struggling to find your way
It really feels like we are by ourselves,
Peering down the road without knowing what is ahead
But stepping forward a little each day.

But if we really pay attention to that other someone
Who shares this space with us right now,
We can see they are more like us than different.

Then the feeling of knowing, familiarity,
A comfortableness with each other can happen
When we stop to ignore the outer shell of insecurity
We all carry about with us.

When that barrier is broken
The scales fall from our eyes
We see each other for what we really are.

We are the same,
And we were together before in that Bright Space
Wondering how we could learn more,
Do more,
Experience more than when we were at one.

When we decided to become individuals
A separate person apart from each other
Unable to share all that could be known,
All that ever was and all that every will be,
We knew there would be a feeling of being alone and apart.
We would feel unknown, and see others as unknowing,
Loneliness, pain and suffering would accompany our journey,
And we would forget all that we had learned,
So we could learn more here and now.

But we are all fellow travelers in search
Of all that can be learned as we follow our individual paths.
We are the universe, trying to find out all that can be known,
All that can be experienced
Both by ourselves
And when we break down the walls
All that can be accomplished and learned when we work with others.

Striving each day to learn,
So that when we return to that Bright Space,
We will revel in the progress we have made,
Searching all by ourselves,
But never really being alone.

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