Monday, November 29, 2010

Bright Space -- Beginnings

Go to Abundance for more selections by Dane Allred, including other episodes from Bright Space, plus lots more!!

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Bright Space
by Dane Allred


You were there.
So was I.
Everyone and everything that ever was, is, or will be
Was there.
There was nothing else, no other place, and no other time except
That bright space where we all were.
All united in the peace of that bright space
Yet at once all individual.
We were content.
We were at rest in the never ending and
Never beginning
Bright space.
Every idea, every thought
To be thought was there.
There was no time because there was all time.
There was no rush because there was nowhere to go.
At peace, we rested in the blissful knowledge
Of all that was,
Of all that is,
Of all that ever will be.

But then that nagging doubt began.

What if there is something else?
Something not here now
That we could discover if we were not
Resting together in that bright space?

Something we could only discover if we
Became separate
And left the bright place
Of peace and content and rest.

Could there be more if I was not with you
And you were not with me?

What would such a something else be like?
What would make me want to leave you
And for you to leave me
That would be worth abandoning
All that we had ever known
All that we had ever been?

That was when the answer appeared.
Apart, we could be more.
Apart we would find things we could never find
If all of us remained in this peaceful, restful, contented
Bright space.

So we decided to leave.
We would have to become separate for a while
So we could experience all we couldn’t experience together.

We agreed to return and share all that we had learned
So that in our new bright space
We would have no more doubt about
What could be
What we could know
What we could become.

We promised we would remember all we would experience
When we were together again.
And then truly be at peace.

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